| Hi, you are logged in as , if you are not , please click hereYou are shopping as , if this is not your email, please click here2024/2025DescriptionDoing Women's Film and Television History Conference VII ‘Entangled Media: Past and Present’ Attendee Category | Cost | | | |
2 Days (Postgraduate/Unwaged) 18th &19th | £100.00 | | [Read More] | |
2 Days (Postgraduate/Unwaged) 19th & 20th | £100.00 | | [Read More] | |
2 Days (Salaried) 18th & 19th | £160.00 | | [Read More] | |
2 Days (Salaried) 19th & 20th | £160.00 | | [Read More] | |
3 Days (Postgraduate/Unwaged) | £150.00 | | [Read More] | |
3 Days (Salaried) Early bird | £200.00 | | [Read More] | |
3 Days (Salaried) Standard | £240.00 | | [Read More] | |
Conference Dinner (Optional) | £40.00 | | [Read More] | |
On Campus accommodation 3 nights (with cold breakfast) | £180.00 | | [Read More] | |
On-campus accommodation 2 nights (with cold breakfast) | £120.00 | | [Read More] |