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City of Lincoln Student Housing Accreditation Scheme Fire Inspection Visit

City of Lincoln Student Housing Accreditation Scheme Fire Inspection Visit

City of Lincoln Student Housing Accreditation Scheme

City of Lincoln Student Housing Accreditation Scheme


Fire Inspection Visit

If you are a landlord interested in applying for the City of Lincoln Student Housing Accreditation Scheme and need to undertake your fire inspection visit, you can download the application form for the visit (and the other accreditation scheme documents) from the link below


By making this payment you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Fire Safety Inspection Request Document and the City of Lincoln Student Housing Accreditation Scheme Code of Practice and agree to abide by its contents and sentiments in full. The £30 fee is for our Fire inspector to undertake the initial inspection visit at a cost of £30 plus VAT. If you require further re-visits there will be additional fees.

To avoid unnecessary delays or further re-visits, please make sure that your property is up to the required specification in our code of practice before booking an appointment.

Once you have made payment, please email your completed Fire Inspection Visit document to [email protected] and we will contact you to make arrangements for the visit.

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