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BASIS and FACTS Short Courses

Through LIAT, the University of Lincoln is committed to developing the higher-level skills that the agricultural and food manufacturing industries' need in the 21st century. Our experts deliver undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in a variety of disciplines utilising in turn the University of Lincoln’s far-reaching industry links to explore career options.

We also provide essential professional development to working farmers and agronomists through our accredited BASIS and FACTS courses run at the University of Lincoln’s Riseholme Campus where LIAT maintain their headquarters. The 200 hectare estate features woodlands, grasslands, watercourses, as well as a working farm and agricultural field station. It offers an ideal setting for supporting the training courses as well as testing farm innovations, crop trials and experimentation.



BASIS Certificate in Sustainable Land Management


BASIS Certificate in Sustainable Land Management

Please ensure that your booking form has been received and accepted before paying for your course. If you have any queries please contact Iain Gould IGould@lincoln.ac.uk or LIAT enquiries liatenquiries@lincoln.ac.uk

Full course details can be found https://www.lincoln.ac.uk/course/bascesnc/



StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Sustainable Land Management
03/09/202411/09/20240£1370.00[Read More]
soil sample

BASIS Quality of Soils


BASIS Quality of Soils

Please ensure that your booking form has been received and accepted before paying for your course. If you have any queries please contact Iain Gould IGould@lincoln.ac.uk or LIAT enquiries liatenquiries@lincoln.ac.uk

Full course details can be found https://www.lincoln.ac.uk/course/basswmnc/

14-16 Jan 2025 & 22-23 Jan 2025


3rd Feb 2025 - written (online)

4th Feb 2025 — vivas (online)


StartEndCourse Fee 
Quality of Soils
14/01/202523/01/2025£1340.00[Read More]
Flux Tower

BASIS Soil and Water Management


BASIS Certificate in Soil and Water Management

Please ensure that your booking form has been received and accepted before paying for your course. If you have any queries please contact Iain Gould IGould@lincoln.ac.uk or LIAT enquiries liatenquiries@lincoln.ac.uk

Full course details can be found https://www.lincoln.ac.uk/course/basswmnc/

StartEndCourse Fee 
Soil and Water (Sept)
10/09/202418/09/2024£1310.00[Read More]
Soil and Water 2 (Oct)
29/10/202405/11/2024£1310.00[Read More]
Soil and Water 3 (Feb)
25/02/202505/03/2025£1310.00[Read More]

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