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e-Learning Level 2 HACCP


Course Information


Food businesses are increasingly expected to have formal systems for managing food safety. The most commonly known system is the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point). The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and methodology of HACCP.

The modules of this course cover the key content and knowledge required to go on to achieve a recognised level 2 HACCP qualification.

This e-Learning Level 2 HACCP course is available upon request. Upon receiving payment, a member of the Short Course Team will get in touch to provide you with access to the e-Learning system.

Course Code

e-Learning Level 2 HACCP

Course Leader

Course Description

Further details can be found on our website

  • Highfield certificate of completion (modules only): £45.00
  • Highfield accredited certificate (paper based exam taken at NCFM*): £65.00 
  • Highfield accredited certificate (online exam with remote invigilation*): £95.00 

*The learner must successfully pass the multiple choice exam to receive an accredited certificate. 


StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
e-Learning Level 2 HACCP Modules Only
16/08/202331/08/20250£45.00[Read More]
e-Learning Level 2 HACCP Modules & Paper Exam
16/08/202331/08/20250£65.00[Read More]
e-Learning Level 2 HACCP & Online Exam
17/09/202431/08/20250£95.00[Read More]

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