e-Learning Level 3 Health and SafetyInfo Course InformationThis course aims to provide a thorough understanding of health and safety emphasising the importance of monitoring staff and controls. It also details the need for a structured management approach to health and safety and the key factors in implementing health and safety policy. The supervisor is in an ideal position to influence, monitor and train employees. They can also ensure that managers are informed, persuaded, encouraged, or pressured into providing for better health and safety standards. Accidents and illness can result in disability, death, or incapacity to work. This e-Learning Level 3 Health and Safety Course is available upon request. Upon receiving payment, a member of the Short Course Team will get in touch to provide you with access to the e-Learning system.
Course CodeSCOU-NCFM-ELEARNINGL3H&S Course LeaderNCFM@lincoln.ac.uk