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BASIS Soil and Water Management


Course Information

Flux Tower

BASIS Certificate in Soil and Water Management

Please ensure that your booking form has been received and accepted before paying for your course. If you have any queries please contact Iain Gould IGould@lincoln.ac.uk or LIAT enquiries liatenquiries@lincoln.ac.uk

Full course details can be found https://www.lincoln.ac.uk/course/basswmnc/

Course Code


Course Leader

Iain Gould
Course Description


StartEndCourse Fee 
Soil and Water (Sept)
10/09/202418/09/2024£1310.00[Read More]
Soil and Water 2 (Oct)
29/10/202405/11/2024£1310.00[Read More]
Soil and Water 3 (Feb)
25/02/202505/03/2025£1310.00[Read More]

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